Income Protection Insurance for NHS Professionals 

Illness Can Strike Anyone. Will Your Finances Survive? NHS Professionals: Secure Your Future Now. 
Imagine being sidelined by illness or injury. The financial burden could be crippling, impacting your ability to pay bills, care for your loved ones, and maintain the lifestyle you've worked hard for. As an NHS professional, you're a hero on the frontline, tirelessly caring for others. But whotakes care of you if you're struck down? 
The NHS offers sick pay, but navigating its changing structure during your first five years can beconfusing. Standard sick pay might not cover your full income, leaving a financial gap that disrupts your life. 

Don't let illness become a financial crisis. 

Income protection is your financial shield. 

It replaces a portion of your income if you're unable to work due to illness or injury. Here's how it protects NHS professionals: 
Cuts Through NHS Sick Pay Confusion: 
The NHS Sick Pay Guarantee ensures you receive income protection pay-outs, based on your length of NHS service. 
Bridges the Income Gap: 
Receive a tax-free monthly benefit that helps cover your bills and expenses while you recover. 
Focus on Getting Healthy: 
Knowing your income is protected allows you to concentrate on getting well without financial worry. 

Let's see the power of this guarantee in action: 

Imagine Sam who has been an NHS doctor for three years, earning £60,000 per year.  
He opts for a 12-month deferral period and to protect 60% of his gross annual income, translating to a £36,000 benefit or £3,000 monthly payout: income protection pay-outs are generally tax-free because the premiums are paid from net pay and viewed as already having been taxed 
Months 1-5:  
Sam receives full NHS pay, focusing on recovery. 
Months 6-10: 
NHS pay drops to half, but income protection steps in, topping it up with the additional £1,500 monthly, ensuring financial stability. 
Month 11 onwards: 
NHS pay ceases, but Sam receives the full £3,000 income protection benefit (tax-free) until he recovers, allowing him to focus on his health 
without financial worry. 
Beyond the Basics: 
Sabbatical Break Cover: 
Take that well-deserved break knowing your income protection remains secure 
Overseas Cover: 
Work abroad with peace of mind – coverage extends overseas (check terms and conditions). 
No HIV/AIDS Exclusion: 
Accidents happen, especially in the medical field. This insurance offers peace of mind, protecting you even in case of a needle-stick injury 
Don't wait for illness to strike. Secure your financial future today. We will refer you to a specialist who will advise you about income protection designed specifically for NHS professionals 
We will refer you to an income protection adviser to give you advice 
about safeguarding your income and lifestyle